Saturday, May 3, 2008

Goodbye Winter! Hello Spring!

by Savannah

Good-bye, big, heavy, pink Hello Kitty boots.
Hello, nice, big, juicy, blue popscicle.
Good-bye, big, heavy, bushy, black coat.
Hello, pink, sparkly, flower sandals.
Good-bye, big hats that cover my head in the winter.
Hello, nice, big, four-story high ice cream.
Good-bye, Winter!
Hello, Spring!


Anonymous said...

Hi Savannah,
Checking your blog this morning. I've decided you are also a poet as well as an artist. I really enjoyed your poem and I want you to know you brought sunshine to my world today through writing.
Love you very much, Grandma H.

Anonymous said...

I really liked your poem Savannah. You have a gift of expressing your thoughts in a beautiful way. Thanks for the reminder that Spring is here. Grandpa H.